Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Sophie: Did anyone other than Ro and I watch 'Crimewatch'?
They caught these old dudes printing almost perfect replica bank notes. They ranged in age from 60 – 80 . I was really gutted that they got caught.
Murder, rape and pillagery doesn’t get 10 months surveillance work. 5 old boys trying to con the government and make a fortune did though.

Sadie: Laughing! I hope I'm that active and inventive when I'm 80!

Sophie: Let’s face it…. You aren’t now. What’s gonna change?

Sadie: Cruel. And untrue. I'm very inventive when it comes to work avoidance, morning avoidance and generally any effort avoidance

Me: We were also watching 'The One Show' last night. It was about what has liberated women. Answer? The washing machine.
"Me: Well. That's pushing it a little. Not equality then?"
Anyways, Apparently in ye olden days, women got up at 4 to do their washing because they had to hang it up by midday otherwise other women on the block thought they were lazy.

Sadie: LAUGHING! I'd be hanging mine up at midnight then when the other ladies were all getting up at 4 I'd mention some of us had got up at 2 in the morning to do our washing.

Sophie: I don’t understand why they had no common sense between them. I’d have just been like ‘let’s not be hating on each other. Let’s all have a lie in and sort this out together at a reasonable time’
They were all good mates with the neighbours in thems days.
... I think this has affected me deeply.

So! I've discovered I was missing a bra I've realised it's that wots caught in my've borrowed ally's ratchet spanner set as I don't have any spanners/ratchets and tonight I am going to attempt to take the back off my washer and see if I can find the wire.....this will be monumental proof of how it sucks big time to be fu**ing liberated....

Sadie: Ah! The old bra wire in the machine trick. Happened to me in Swindon, but it didn't break the machine so I just ignored it. Also it wasnt my machine, so I couldnt have given a flying f*ck.
Yup, it sucks to be liberated.

Sophie: At least it will be less hexpensive though. I accidentally put a platinum silver and pink diamond cubic zirconia pendant in ours the other day and it has been irrevocably damaged.

Jess: I haven't done it says I won't be able to get to it from the back.*sigh* I can feel a major FAIL coming on...meanwhile Ally has washed all my tops for me...undies and sock shi* to do by hand tonight... *wow*

Sophie: Well. This absolute nutttttt case just called me.

Me: HAHA! Oh dearrrrrrrrr. God. Me and the crazies here are having a music competition. Who can play theirs loudest. Blatantly I am going to win since they only appear to have elvis in their collection.
Just cleaned the bathroom. Stood in the bath to clean the shower. Somehow turned shower on. Am soaked.

Sophie: Hey dude, I brought you a new mascara as a cleaning present. Good times.

Jess: AW that's nice.

Sophie: She earnt it…
Tee hee
Our house was MINGING
Apart from my cleaning lots of mould from bathroom blind, front door and hallway skirting boards. All those areas were sparkling.
And an outside cupboard. Just one mind. Where we store the alcohol. I displaced a good few spiders.
The other one is Matt’s cupboard of Potential Death and Hell. Ro and I keep the hoover and mop there and the rest is matt’s OCD collection of electrical goods boxes. In case some day we may need the cardboard box the cd player came in.

Me: I cleaned the lounge, including skirting boards and picture rails.
Mould : Behind wall hanging and in corner of room.
Spiders : 3

I cleaned the kitchen, including cleaning out all the cupboards, on TOP of the cupboards, and the fridge
Mould : Loads but mainly behind fridge and pulling that out was above and beyond.
Spiders : 2

Hallway : Skirting rail
Mould : None cos SOphie did it.
Spiders : 1

My Bedroom : Including all under the bed and behind cupboards
Mould : Back of cupboard
Spiders :1
Dead Birds : 0
Rat : 0

Bathroom :

.. Im bored of this. But the point is. There are spiders everywhere, which i leave, YOU'RE WELCOME JESUS and mould. And I have finally finished and do not have any more cleaning to do which is a relief because seriously, 4 days worth is a lot.

Also, spookily, I opened Matt's outside cupboard and his Wii box fell on me and the kitty litter and whatnot and I was all.. shall I?? And then 7 spiders fell off the mop and I quickly locked the door and RAN AWAY

Sadie: Laughing LAUGHING!
Dude, thats a lot of hard work, and a lot of spiders. And mould, a lot of mould. But at least you scored nil on the whole dead bird/rat/hedgehog/rattlesnake/chicken/fox area.
Ange keeps her cardboard boxes too - mostly on the lounge floor. I found one in her cupboard for her 8 year old iron. Wjen I asked her why, she wouldnt look me in the eye, just shuffled her feet and mumbled something about if she ever had to move.....something to pack it in...........protect it from things........

Me: OMG. That is pretty bad. I do NOT have the hoarder gene and am capable of chucking things willy nilly. it is something dad frowns on greatly because omg what if you just NEED a cable that was for your 1980s walkman or whatnot.

Sophie: For some peculiar reason my email deletes sadie’s messages. Or they are going in to a black hole. Because I see them , then they go. Velly strange.
That box keeping thing is so crazy. 8 yr old iron box tops the biccie though!

Sadie: Have you 'ruled' mine to spam? Cos, you know man, thats a bit rude.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

you can wash the outside...

I came home from a nice evening out to find Matt leaning out my bedroom window. I was all, gosh. What is HE doing. That is nowhere NEAR the underwear drawer. But then I came in the front door and found Sophie hiding in the kitchen because apparently there was a RAT trapped in my bedroom.
David and Matt got to do a bit of manly bonding and worked together to get the rat out. Of COURSE my fluffy dressing gown had to be used.
This was a traumatic experience for mainly the rat and Sophie though as I didn't see the rat once and by the time I'd made a cup of tea, it had gone.

THEN my friend Ruth came over for dinner. Matt went to bed. Me and Ruth and Sophie stayed up drinking and, at 1am, I made my merry way to my room.
Me: Clyde!
Me: Clyde.. You've MALTED everywhere. You've malted black FEATHERS everywhere.... oh noooooes.

Matt removed the dead bird buried in my bed but I did not sleep comfortably that night. The next day started a whole week cleaning of the house including skirting boards, picture rails and cleaning windows.

We fondly remember the days it was just worms he bought in. And I do not even want to HEAR that those animals were gifts.

Monday, 4 May 2009

I'm down on a 20 Alannnnnn

Sadie: They've been filming Spooks outside the office this morning. Only Ros has been seen though. I'm hoping that tomorrow - I'm in the office from 7.30am - Richard Armitage will be popping along. Then quite frankly it will be a case of f*ck the testing, I'm off out to drool!

Jess: Awesome!!!!!

Sadie: And of course if I do get to meet him, lets just say I'm quitely confident of a June wedding.

Sophie: Hello hello, I think that would definitely be the case. Can I attend? Went to BX last night and spent £80 at the Mac make up counter. The woman was really non-invasive and nice. I think that was her secret skill. Ro is in her interview now. I just called Matt up and said I’m nervous. Sadie, 7.30! Work! Saturday! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I would not cope well with that. Would not cope well at all. Lots of keenos here come in at the weekends (through choice) including Matt.

Jess: Ro coming here after interview- quick lunch in the churchyard- will see how she got on-
I'm working tomorrow, been covering allys sickness so been on half 5 wake ups for nearly 2 weeks- so tired- no lie in tomorrow- no lie in Sunday- work absolutely horrendous here- every fu**ing person must be ill in the fu**ing UK.
Tired, pissy, fed-up----------- fu*8ing fax machine/emails are relentless-----non stopping............ JESUS FU**ING CHRIST IF THIS FU**ING GODDAM FU**ING FAX MACHINE DOESN'T STOP FUCKING SHI* FU**ING SPEWING OUT STUFF OUT SOON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadie: God, you poor f*ck.
Laughing at the rant though.
I am geting the 6.52 tom from Enfield Taaan by the way.

Jess: Oh dude I get the 7.23 but if i can drag my arse up I'll go for that one too!!! I'm sure I can manage it.

Sadie: No, dont get up half an hour before you have to dude!!!!! I have to be up at 5.50 and thats bad enough.

Jess: Be nice to see you tho, so i'll know wot i'm like...i'll wake up anyway.......just keep your phone probs........

I’m sorry. Ro is ok and all but I would not wake up that early to see her.

Sophie: She called me by the way. Said it went well but I’m sure she’ll tell you ALLLLLLLLL about it. Hmm just looked up and seen that she was included in this email.
I called her yesterday and she was asleep. She said “yes, yes that is fine.” Me: are you asleep?


Me: what did you want me to buy you again?

Ro: what?

Me: what did you… are you sure you aren’t sleep talking right now?

Ro: NO I AM AWAKE … tell the lady rufflerufflemoon

Me: ok…

*20 mins later my phone rings*

Ro: Hi, did you call me earlier?

Me: eh…

Ro: what were you saying again?

Jess: Oh dudeeeeeeeeeeeee last bit so funnyyyyyyyyyy

Sophie: For months on end Rosie has said there is someone shouting “ALAN” outside her window. Frankly, I was not a believer. I thought I would be able to hear someone shouting outside the flat. This has gone on for ages. Every few days she gets up and asks if we heard the person calling for Alan.

This being Ro, I just labeled it under ‘crazy sleep’.

Matt has stood outside the house before shouting Alan outside her window.

So, matt and I came home a couple of days ago and there was a bald man dressed all in black loitering around outside.

He was getting agitated and started calling out into the crazy garden. As we get into the house we hear him shouting


Ro *in the lounge*: can you hear that man calling for Alan again?

Matt and I: dumdedum Nope.

I think this is how people get committed.

Sadie: Laughing! Thats so MEAN!!!!!!