Prince was excellent. His stage was just his symbol shape with flashing lights and his dancers were busting out with very Tina Turner-esque moves. The kind of moves that I do in my room on my own when no one is watching.
My only complaint was the people who did not stay in their seats but instead who continually walked up and down the aisles and stairs to get more drinks or whatever. Who does that when the performance is underway?
I really liked the total jobsworth of a security guard who told the lone man standing on the stairs next to his seat that he was a hazard. Excuse you, if there is a fire, that man standing there is not going to be much of a hindrance to me barrelling past.
I also really love when people heckle. When Prince left the stage for the last time I totally joined in the boos. And the 'Prinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnce.'
I went to the cinema with my younger sister, LuLu, and the screen was fuzzy. All these young children started booing and I totally joined in.
Fiontan entertained me the whole way home with his game of lets make a conversation made up entirely of song lyrics. He also told the funniest story of how he was running for a bus and some guys in a van drove alongside him shouting: ‘you runnnnn like a gayyyyyyy boy.’
Fiontan: ‘And I was only getting the bus home because my gran had told me it was safer than walking!’
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