On Saturday I wandered my local high street with my parents and younger sister. We went to a second hand bookshop where my dad basically stood in the same place and read Duncan Bannatynes autobiography. But wouldn’t buy it because it was £5. My dad is really thrifty and rarely buys himself anything. He also rarely reads so to find a book that captured his attention in the shop for twenty minutes was impressive. But he left without buying it. Even though he told us he had wanted to read it for ages. Because it was £5. My mum was all: ‘For goodness sake, I’ll buy it for you. Out of our joint account.’ And he continued reading it down the street.
Saturday evening I went to the cinema with my 2 sisters and my sisters boyfriend, Hawk, to see SuperBad. We have taken to buying our own drinks and sweets and smuggling them past the Gestapo security. Adds a frisson of danger to the evening. I loved the film.
Sunday I was meant to go to the Thames festival but I never managed to get out of bed until eleven so I took my little sister to Brent Cross instead. She managed to buy a whole outfit whilst I only bought another black eyeliner.
In the evening I went to the cinema to see 1408 because my friends boyfriend and his friend did some of the electrical work. There is a scene in the film where John Cusacks character waves one of those long lights around – looks like a lightsabre. Apparently it was not John Cusacks hand holding it though. It was my friends. Most obscure claim to fame ever! He also kept the ashtray that was thrown through the window in one scene but sssh. Don't tell anyone.
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