Tuesday, 13 November 2007


I went out to buy lunch and it was raining and the bottoms of my trousers are quite quite wet. Luckily me and M have an illicit fan heater under our desk.

Shamima - How did you get one of those?
Me - I can't tell you, the sexual favours we had to do... it would blow your mind.

I ordered a projector screen for a private event we were hosting. When it arrived on Friday it was broken. They couriered over another that afternoon that was also broken. They sent another. This one was fine. I was like; ok can you take the broken ones back please? The guy said he wasn’t authorised to pick anything up. Monday we received another working projector screen. I called them and told them. They have no record of this. This morning I received another one. The company now has 2 broken screens and 3 working ones. I’m thinking eBay.

My director just sneezed so hard he hit his head on his computer monitor.

One of the technical analysts walked out because we haven’t paid a bill on time for his technical software. I’m all – c’mon for something involving me to fail - heating, lights, phones....

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