Friday, 9 November 2007

good morning

Last night I watched Californication for the first time. It is a new series on Channel 5 with David Duchovny. The phrase ‘Stinky Pinky’ made me laugh.

Today I spoke to a stationary sales manager for what seemed like a 100 years. They try and get the company to buy their stationary and they are pests. This company have already tried to get us to buy their stationary and in the end we gave up answering their calls to the point where I received a really curt email from them. Then today I received a call from another sales manager there trying to get us to buy the same stuff that the other guy had. I was like, um, you should go talk to your colleague. But he didn’t and we ended up having the longest conversation about whether he should get his name tattooed on his arm. I was like, erm I think not because a tattoo is forever and ever and ever and ever. Though if you do get one please don’t get it in a foreign language. Anyway, it was a long phone call and it turned out he lives about 10 minutes from me and his sister went to the same uni as mine and probably were on the same course and now I’m thinking its gonna be kinda awkward when I ignore his calls. I can imagine him going up to the colleague who spoke to us before and being all – Rosie is lovely. And the other guy being all *shudder* ‘stone cold man, stone cold.’

Unfortunately I had taken the call at a colleague’s desk so they were all agog like goosegogs at this conversation and making smooching noises etc. When I hung up the phone one girl was like, you have the sexiest telephone voice ever and I would totally swoon if you called me.

Good morning!

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