Wednesday, 16 April 2008

charity work

I am doing some charity work. I just read one of the charities as 'window support.' I was all, wtf? WINDOW SUPPORT. Lucky I did not voice this aloud as an hour later I reread it. Yeah. I am all for supporting WIDOWS. Plan.

You seem to be implying that widows are more deserving of our charity than windows. I would take great issue with this. I have known alot of good windows in my time. Less so widows........

Ok so I am happy to support windows but there is a charity called 'Daisy Chain.' When did porn become a charity?

I can't believe the things they teach you girls in P town! I don't know if porn has become a charity yet but if you need anyone to sign a petition for it please forward it on.

Whoops. Me knowing what a daisy chain is kinda blew my innocent Christian image. Guess I won't tell you I learnt it at Enfield County School for Girls. Or the other stuff I learnt there.

Ah that explains it. It is a well know fact that all girls from all girls schools are bad!! Its ok you can tell me or show me the other stuff you learnt there.

You want me to draw you the structure of a chlorophyl cell?

Is that where you learnt sarcasm?

No. That would be from my mother.

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