Monday, 14 April 2008

the weekend, powered by ex-colleagues and alcohol

All the planning of the weekend paid off. It was very good. I started getting ready for my pals coming over on Friday night by copius cleaning of my room and my little sisters since people were staying round. Managed to collect around 16 cups and a plate of toast from hers. Nice.

Saturday I have never more felt like my mother. Every time my mum organises a party or people over she always does mad cleaning and says it takes ages and bla bla and I said to her I'd have loads of time to do everything and she was all no you won't etc etc and SHE WAS TOTALLY RIGHT.

I was up and dressed by 10. I fed Monty. Monty is a huge Golden Retriever. His partner in crime, Boris, had gone with my parents and sister to Norfolk to stay with my aunt and uncle. I was totally happy with this plan, especially when my aunt texted me to say I owed her 24 profiteroles and a new table.
Then I called my pal Ruth and arranged to meet her in the park for a coffee. Walked up and met her in the beautiful sunshine and sat in the cafe drinking tea whilst it poured. Then walked round the lake a few times and home in beautiful sunshine. To find it was 3.00. M was going to be the first person over at 5.00 as she was coming for dinner. Managed to enlist younger brother Toby's help to vacuum the downstairs whilst I brushed the dog. Then managed to get him to come shopping with me and dump loads of clothes in a charity shop and carry beer. Bribed him with a multi-pack of Quavers. He is clearly quite cheap. Toby, not Monty. Monty would have done it for one Quaver but he is useless at carrying beer.

Got home, packed everything away and vacuumed and mopped the upstairs. By this time it was 4.30 and all plans of a relaxing bath and nail painting went out the window. Was standing dripping and naked in my room when M called. To tell me she was still at home as had only just woken up.

Managed to be ready with a fire lit when I met her at the station. Started cooking dinner with her when Andy called to say he was down the road. Left M cooking us all dinner and drove down to meet him. He commented on the 'passengers travel at their own risk' tax disc on the car. Haven't heard that one before.

Gradually everyone else arrived. Hollie and her husband Sam drove over from Essex. I immediately liked Sam when he walked in and found a dog biscuit in his coat pocket for Monty. Nearly all the jackets in our house have dog biscuits and poop bags in. Awesome when they accidentally fall out in the pub. Dog jokes will never not be funny, right?

Alejandro and Mike arrived and drank gin until they passed out. Hilarious waking them up and getting Mike to clamber up into a bunk bed.

At 5.00am me and Andy were the only ones left chatting as the fire went out and the sun came up.

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