Thursday, 1 May 2008


At the Dentist:

Dentist: *rumaging around in my mouth with his mirror* Do you drink fizzy drinks?
Me: *mumble* no
D: Do you have sugar in your tea or coffee?
Me: no
D: Do you floss regularly?
D: Eat many sweets?
Me: No

And so on and so on until the phrase 'Please take your tool out my mouth before you ask me any more questions' popped into my head and I almost bit his finger off trying not to giggle

With M:

M: I'm off for lunch soon, will talk later aligator. xxx
Me: In a while crocodile xxx
M: What does rhyme with tomorrow?
M: Nuts with chocolate!
M: xxx
Me: I am going to get some COOKIES xxx
M: I'm going cuckoo
Me: Going? Already are innit mate
M: Alright then!!!

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