Wednesday, 18 June 2008

moving weekend

1 -Me and Sophie took yesterday off work. Saturday we spent the whole day moving and were absolutely shagged by the evening. Matt wasn't so worn out but then it is not so tiring moving 4 pairs of boxers and '3 and a half' socks.

2 - Saturday night we had fish n chips for dinner then played on Matt's Wii that his dad bought him. It was hilarious. Very very funny. Sophie boxing looked like a spasticated cat. She nearly gave herself a stroke. My favourite part was me and Sophie kicking Matt's arse at bowling and him saying 'I dont understand, I do it properly and have the technique and can't hit anything, yet you two are crap and keep winning.' Sunday night he told us we weren't as 'passionate' about it as we had been and that this time 'we couldn't even be bothered to stand up and play.' I don't know WHERE he got the energy from. Me and Sophie woke up with back pain yesterday morning. Matt was all, MYYY back doesnt ache....... well, my legs do though.

3 - Sunday dinner was Shepherds Pie back home and it was delicious. As was the brownie chocolate and cream mousse mum made for pudding. Even though I was stuffed, I still ate it because I know that we will probably be living on beans and toast. Had A LOT to drink as was getting the bus home BECAUSE

4 - Stupid car. That is all.

5 - We did our big shop yesterday and I cooked spag bol for dinner. I also tupperwared it up for all our lunches today AND their is spare cooked bol in the freezer. MARTHA STEWART CAN SUCK IT.

6 - We didnt have dinner until about 9.30 last night because we FINALLY sorted out all the cupboards and cleaned and mopped. Sophie thought it was TOO clean around 10 and smashed the salt pot all over the floor. Even though it got rehoovered, I believe it is something we are going to be cleaning up for a while. On the plus, my feet got exfoliated this morning.

7 - The champagne we had last night was perfect, as were the £7 beautiful charity shop champagne glasses we bought.

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