Sunday, 29 June 2008

my woman

Rosie: M!!!!!!!

M: Lady!!!! Just sent you e-mail... The training of this girl is just horrible!!!!

Rosie: Reading ...

M: I mean she is ok but she sits next to me ALL the time!

Rosie: HA. Dude. Give her a list of jobs and tell her to go to her desk and do them and come back if she needs help

M: I did... but the thing is there is not sooo many things to do, so I just showed her how to do VAT and she's doing it now...
but yesterday it was all about payments and admin duties, so she just sat next to me and I couldn't even go online... or check my e-mails... then she even went for lunch with me...

Rosie: Ar. Sweet. But tell her that your bitch (me) is the jealous sort and she should BACK THE FUCK UP

M: Hahaha. Ok, I'll tell her!

Rosie: I ain't even nearlyyy joking

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