Saturday, 11 October 2008

cos he's AUSTRALIANNNNNN geddit?

S: Remember that guy that came in to fix our internet?
Me: Ye
S: He said he had fixed it. But has he? No.
Me: Lyinnnnnng bastard.
S:This is how everything happens in London. They tell you it is fixed and at least 5 times you have to say that no, it is still not fixed and on the sixth time it MIGHT be fixed.
Me: Londoners. We are so laid back.
S: That is the best euphemism for incompetence ever.

S: Did you leave a piece of paper on my desk?
Me: Does it say 'I heart Meatloaf?'
S: No
Me: Wasn't me then.

S: Its furrrrr-eeeeeezing outside.
Me: I know! A was like, you don't need to wear that coat! And I was all, I do. And he was like, you don't! But I said, yes I DO and he said but there are people out there wearing vests. And I said, yeah but they are WRONG! And HE said you are going to be so hot! And I said NO I AM NOT, I am also going to wear my scarf! AND I wish I had gloves!
S: YEAH! And then what happened!!!???
Me: Well, I dont think he will be making that kind of mistake again.

Me: HEY! How was your wedding?
S: Really good thanks!
Me: Did you cry?
S: It was very emotional. AND it went on really really late.
Me: Was it all that shrimp on the barbie needing cooking?
S: I am going back to my desk now.

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