Friday, 31 October 2008


Sadie: Sophie left at 18.30 last night, that's very dedicated.

Sophie: How do you know that?!

Sadie: I installed spyware on my pc, its great!

Sophie: What can you spy on?

Sadie: Quite a lot. SPOOK SADIE

Sophie: Can you see me eating my plum?

Sadie: Yes.

Me: ... Lordy

Sadie: Actually, its just that when you don't open emails - cos you can read the one line without opening them- and delete them, it moves the email to your delete box. Then when you turn off your pc for the evening I'm sent an email saying user deleted email at 18.30 without reading it!

Sophie: Ohhhh mine has that too dudette! I can always see when people have read my mails. One time this guy kept deleting without reading and every time he did I resent it until he responded.

Sadie: Respect!

Sophie: Something I have to do which I find really annoying is make sure people are listed as Mr and Mrs. I.e. Mr and Mrs Jones if you have Mr J Jones and Ms S Jones. So if Jamie and I had bought a house we would be Mr and Mrs S. It's just so flipping archaic in this day and age to assume such things since no one can afford houses and is buying with relatives/friends.
And worse, if we have a first initial only I have to run reports making them all Mr. E.g - if we have S. Jones I make that Mr S. Jones. This is some outdated way of being polite because is it more polite to address a female as Dear Mr Jones than to address it to Dear S. Jones?? It is because it is assumed, in 2008, that only MEN can buy their own houses. So Rosie and I would be dear Misses S?! Then we have Cheif, Dr, Prof, Rev and that causes all kinds of palava. Not to mention the Chinese names...
E: "Would you say Ping Ping Lee is male or female?" "What about Xi Li Mi Pi Wi Cheung?"
Hmm, rant over.

Me: Really??? That is RIDICULOUS!!! I would have thought companies like yours would be more up to date than that!! I send letters out just to, eg, R Jones. This is because there is no title confusion AND at County, a self defense officer came in and said if possible have your mail not addressed to you as Miss because it means are more likely to live alone. Or somesuch.

Sadie: Really really laughing at Chinese names! Outrageous. When I get letters addressed to Mr H I ignore them on the basis that I'm not Mr H and its an offence to open someone else's mail. And exactly to the security reasons. I keep meaning to change my bank card which says Miss. Nobody needs that info about me unless they are planning to date me. Therefore, to the best of my belief, big sigh, nobody needs that info about me.

Me: Is it that they just want to jump your bones??

Sadie: I wish. Jump over my bones to get to the next in line more like.

Sophie: Tweeee tweeeeeeeee twannnnng twaaaangggg screech ... that was the sound of my violin.
I am going to change my bank card to Cheif. Or Doctor, since seemingly ANYONE can be a doctor. You have a masters in studying brickwork? You are not a dr.

Me: Cheif? Not chief of spelling that is for sure! BLEARRRRRRRRRRRS!!!!
Ye. My last boss was a 'dr.' But I tell you something. If I was having a heart attack he is the last person I want helping. And not just because he is a fake Dr but because if his mouth went anywhere near mine I would die and it would be very counter productive.

Sadie: LAUGHING!! Is all very confusing!

Me: People should write and complain . . . hey . . . where's Jessica?

Sophie: *put on my 'mum calling the dogs' voice*

Sadie: Yes, where IS Jessica?

Me: Napping probably.
Dad is coming over tonight to fix our sink:
Me: Why is the bathroom sink blocked?
Sophie: It's Matt's fault
Matt: No it's not. It's yours!!! You dropped the glass down there!
Me: . . . .
Sophie: Well YOU dropped a razor blade down there
Me: . . . .
Matt: Well YOU dropped an earring down there

Sadie: Dear goodness. Do they live over the sink?

Sophie: Eh, I think the razor blade was a previous tenant. The glass was from the toothpaste mug and we only found all of this out because I lost my beloved earring (sob)

Me: I dunno. Living with maniacs. AND that includes Clyde. Do you know what he did last night!!!! DO YOU????!!!!!
We have been watching 'The restaurant' now for months. The 100 couples all competing to open a restaurant with Raymond Blanc being whittled down and eliminated each week. Final episode last night. We pause live tv so that we can watch it with our dinner. We watch the 2 teams battle it out on the Orient Express to cook for 40 passengers. Final moments. Raymond is just about to say who has won . . . CLYDE SITS ON THE REMOTE AND 100 POUND OF CAT PRESSED THE STOP BUTTON. The TV returned to normal viewing. It was UNBELIEVABLE. Matt's cat is proper stupid.

Sadie: Snorting!

Sophie: The whingey couple won! I know, awful.


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