Clyde says he thinks he has figured out where to put all the cat food

The dishwasher tablets were on special offer. Bargainous. Wedge them in the shed.

Me: Sophie, CORRRRRR. 'Ow we gonna fit THESE in the cupboard??!!
Sophie: SHUT UPPPPP. It is very difficult to see the size of something on screen

Why do we have so much tomato sauce?

Me: Why do we need so much bathroom cleaner?!
Sophie: I never ordered that many! I only ordered one!
*Checks substitution list*
Sophie: Oh. I see. They have substituted all our bleach for bathroom bleach
Matt: Well, we probably won't need to order bleach next month then
Sophie: Or the month after that . . .

Toilet roll mountain

Fat Matt

All that thinking fair tuckered him out

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