Sophie: A piccie of Clyde...

Jess: Weather freaky.... Piccies so cute...kitteh got so big!!!
Sophie: Very big and very hungry. He had a little look at the snow last night while we watched and laughed at him run back in.
Jess: F!! I can see him..... Izzy went out last night too, pre-snow. I let her out 'cos I'm kind, anyway, she did a wee and decided to return.... She came through the hatch with such force and speed that the hatch came off the door at high velocity and hit a blender which was on a shelf under the cooker..... blender, lid, knobby part of lid and hatch all sprawled across kitchen floor. Jessica heart racing as noise made her jerk up on couch, and then Izzy went like the devil himself was chasing her, up the stairs and onto my bed....just a streak of tortoiseshell........
Me: FUNNY!!!! Makes you jump when they come through the catflap at such speeds. This morning Clyde jumped from the window ledge onto my stomach (please have another look at the photo of him when imaging what this felt like). So. I woke up this morning to the belief that I was being attacked by a burglar. Nice.
Also. MIAOWWWWWW miaowwww miaow miaow?? MIAOW Miaowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww??? Miaow! Miaowwww Miaowwwwww? Miaow Miaow Miaow
Jess: Oh FFD!!!! Cherisst!!! I bet he made you go oommmmphhhhhhhh!!
Me: He winded me. Remember when you were on the train and you fell asleep and then woke up and went warghhhhhhhhhhhh and your arms and legs went up in the air? Thats pretty much what happened.
Jess: Oh ffd!!!!!!!
Me: Yeah. But. It kinda wasn't. It was only 6.45 and he managed to bomb me 3 more times. Then he did the pathetic act - sticking his big fat head in my face. Don't tell Sadie but, I'm wrapping him up for her birthday present.
Jess: Oh so laughingggggggggggg. Honestly I SO larf at these mails!!!!!
Sadie: You are too kind. I couldn't possibly accept such a generous gift. Honestly, no. Really, never. Ever.
Me: Shit. Suppose I better unwrap him then. When I get home later. Will be a job because I duct taped him really well this morning.
Sadie: Laughing!
Sadie: Left home early this morning for a change. Got to the station and no trains. But there was at least a bus replacement service. The bus driver said to us, well I can drive you into the City if you all want. But only if someone knows the way. I decided to walk to the next station. Good job I wore my new duvet coat today, it's a bit nippy noo nah out there.
Me: It is blimmin freezing!!! And what was with the snow? I am the only one wearing wellies though. Like some country bumpkin. PLUS! There were trees and branches fallen down round our way!!! Michael Fish didn't predict this!!! On the train some old guy asked if I was off to school. Am wearing my black polka dot dress and wellies and tights. Nothing like our school uniform and I am gonna be so peeved if someones uniform was like this. And then I got to work and R said: "Nice wellies. Have you had them since you were 6?" They are mums ones she gave me. Kickers ones with pictures of london buses on.
Jess: Really f! Old guy perving at you, he WANTED to SEE you in your school uniform!!!
Me: The reality of me in my old school uniform would have shocked him outta that fantasy
Sadie: Snorting! And I think the wellies sound lovely. I wore long socks for the first time this winter. Long socks and duvet coat. I was waiting at the bus stop all toasted up, everyone else was all moaning and pinch faced with the cold. Suckers.
Sophie: Well I had on a long top, a jumper, another jumper, my bus hoodie (tied up around my face) and then my coat, scarf and gloves. Walked into the 25 degree centrally heated office with greehouse effect windows and nearly passed out.
Then I struggled to take all the layers off in front of our MD who I sit opposite.
Jess: FFd! I too have long socks and a scarf today! I was well toasty.......I'd like some hot buttered toast now.
Sadie: Spoke to P yesterday. He's worried about his job as his company is firing people. I told him that its not all roses getting your 30% pay rise, it makes you high profile on the big black plastic bag list and that he should have stayed cheap as chips like me. Cheap, but glittery as I like to think of myself.
Sophie: Like a fairy on a christmas tree
Sadie: Absolutely
Jess: I'm cheap and tarnished.........
Sadie: FD! I'm seeing him for a meal in couple of weeks. He said make it a cheap restaurant, just in case.
Jess: So a sarnie and a latte from Pret, then.
Me: What? That's flipping expensive. French stick and onion rings from Tesco
Jess: Fd! Dust and barf.
Sophie: Never eat barf. Or dust. E-ewwwww
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