On Saturday me and Soph met up with Mum and Lol in Palmers Green. We went to the pub for lunch. I went and ordered and bought a bottle of wine. I never got ID-ed. I NEVER get ID-ed, even when the policy is to ID people who look under 25. Great. When I got back to the table I might have been slightly loud saying how pissed I am that I never get ID-ed. One of the pub staff heard and came over and ID-ed me. It made mum a bit nervous because Lol was drinking all the wine.
Saturday night I babysat with Lulu. Just as the parents walked in the door she did the most disgusting fart ever. It was vile. It was unbelievable. I couldn't believe it happened. She said: Don't worry. They'll probably just think it was you.
I stayed round Mum and Dads afterwards because it is nicer than trekking home at midnight. If you have a mum like mine, the spare room would have looked like this:
Pajamas laid out


Spare Blankets

AND!!! This is how I know that my mother loves me

Also, you room might be taken up by one of these. Or not. Could just be my mother who fills every available space with trees

On Sunday, Lulu took me shopping and out for lunch. We went to Nero's in Enfield. We ordered 2 paninis. One was tuna and one was mozzarella, basil and tomato and we shared. Lulu was all, MINE IS CHICKEN! And I was all THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE I HAVE HALF A TUNA AND HALF A MOZZARELLA. But. She was right. Somehow the lady cutting the paninis in half had mixed a few up. I don't think the man who got the other tuna half was very happy.
A conversation that happened on Sunday night:
Sophie: Ro, I said to Matt, imagine if we had just met. How would you describe yourself. He said: I like buyingggggggg magazines. I like reeeeeeeeeeeeeading magazines..... I was like, right. I'll tell you about MYself. I'm a leggy blonde . . Matt: well, you have legs.
Sophie: I like buyingggggggg magazines. I like reeeeeeeeeeeeeading magazines..... That is the last time I try and spice up our love life.
*Side bar*
The other day, in the kitchen with Matt:
Me: *changing Clydes water* Do you think we have given our cat identity issues because we have his water in a bowl that says 'Dog?'
Matt: No because I always turn the bowl so he can't see the writing
Me: . . . . so . . . you think our cat can read then?
Matt: Well. I wouldn't put it past him
Me: Whats that Clyde??
Me, as Clyde. WOOOF WOOF
Me: He says, he likes buyinggggg the bones. He likes eatingggggggggg the bones.......

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