Wednesday, 14 January 2009

lamp or wall fixture?

Sophie: Matt: Yesterday Clive was wearing one of those things that you tie around your neck
Me: A neckerchief?! Really!? When?!
Matt: Dude, not the cat, Clyde. Cli-V-e. From work.
Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Matt: I think they wear them where he's from
Me: The Scouts?!
Matt: No, South Africa
Matt: Jesus, I wish I never bother sometimes.

Me: Funny. I don't like telling you stories because you question everything. E.g, what colour where his socks? And I'm all, dude, I was telling you that he had just had a baby, what have socks got to do with anything?

Sadie: Snorting! What was your expression Rosie, eyes on the story?

Sophie: Whatever!

Me: Yeah. Exactly. When I worked with Giovanni, I couldn't tell him anything either. He does the same thing as Sophie. You're trying to tell some 3 minute anecdote and he is asking who their grandparents are or something. I told Sophie something once and she asked her usual 23 questions and I was all OMG. And then, we were in the library, I told Giovanni. Like, 2 minutes later. And he asked hundreds of questions too. I remember being all THAT IS IT I AM NOT TELLING YOU TWO STUFF ANYMORE. Matt clearly hasn't learnt.

Sophie: Some people just aren't 'bigger picture' people

Sadie: Laughing!

Jess: Pi**ing myself!!!!

Me: Mate. It is the most annoying thing ever.

Jess: Funny tho......

Sadie: Laughing! So whilst the rest of us are often saying TMI, Sophie is saying TLI - too little information.

Sophie: It's just those stupid jokes that you don't get are jokes. e.g. a man walks into a bar..... I need background like what bar? when? was he alone? But obviously not as obvious as that.

Me: Well. Sometimes . . .

Sadie: You would be perfect for my job!!! The old joke goes -
God said "Let there be light"
The Business Analyst says " What colour do you want? When should it come on?"

Sophie: Lamp or wall fixture?

Sadie: Laughing!
Do you want it to turn on and off automatically? Do you ever want it to flash? Should there be an override switch? How do you want it powered? Who will have access to fix it when it goes wrong? What do you want as an area of coverage? Do you want it off in some places and on in others? When you say white, what shade of white?
My job can be very fulfilling sometimes.

Sophie: I find it excruciating when Matt casually throws stuff in like: "My sister watched Iron Man as well... and oh yeah, she's pregnant." Really? how far pregnant? Does she know what she's having? And he's just like I don't know for eff sake I was asking her about Iron Man. He is the opposite to me. Absolutely painful.

Jess: FD! Got woken up this morning by a full-blown-right-in-the-face-wet-far-reaching cat sneeze...Me: DUUUUDDDDDE


Jess: Was. I'm not concentrating on what's going on in the office as I'm on the net reading, but I'm sure I just heard R ask C something and C replied: "We can't put her there because she's a hippo" ...........I'm not asking.

Me: I bet she wasn't as big as the half ton son. Me and Sophie watched that last night. Sophie laughed when this seriously seriously obese woman crashed her mobility scooter thingy into an underwear stand in a shop. I tutted at her and she was all: WHATTT? She's not that fat anymore and it's ok to laugh now! And I was all, ok HAHA

Sadie: Good to see the spirit of Christian Christmas goodwill and loving is still with us

Jess: Snigger

Matt: *Coming out of his bedroom where he has been doing homework* What?
Sophie: Watch half ton son with us!!!
Matt: This is really not my thing
Sophie: No! It is great! Look at him!
Matt: No, seriously. This is not my thing. I'm with you on the forensic programmes but this I will leave ... why is she feeding him hamburgers?
Me: Dude. That's nothing. He was sitting on the toilet a minute ago and his belly covered the whole thing, right down to the floor! And then his mum had to wipe his butt!
Matt: *Looking at us* *Leaves the room*

Sadie: Oh God, laughing!

Jess: Oh srsly...............funny.... but I'm gonna have to go with Matt on this one...........*looking at you*

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