Dad: Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone.....
Sophie: HAHA
Sadie: Mean. MEAN. But at least we got it half way up the sta..................OK, OK, epic fail.
Me: WHATEVER! We are wimmins not beefcakes. Which is lucky as we had to slide past that gap to get downstairs and to the pub. It was like, worst fears realised going past that - thought I was going to get stuck and be there forever.
Sadie: What Rosie means is we glided past it. Glided and shimmied I tell you.
Me: So, we got the wardrobe stuck up the stairs and Sadie was all, OK! THAT didn't work!! Let's go to the dump instead. So we lug the heaviest tv in the WHOLE WORLD down the street to my car. Manage to wedge it in the boot. Think have locked keys in mote as can't find them, haven't. Get in car. Get ready to go. Realise left something in house. Go back in. Get back in car. Go to dump. Dump closed.
ME: What shall we do now?
Sadie: Red wine.
Epic fail. Epic. I mean, not to the red wine. We did that REAL well.
Sadie: Rosie said red wine. I said a nice cup of tea, and I only went with the whole red wine idea because the pub didnt serve cups of tea.
Me: Slander
Dad: F the removal
Sophie: Haha!
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