Thursday, 10 July 2008

mmmm salty

R was telling us all one lunchtime about all the different food he has eaten: Grubs, Kangaroo penis . . . Stuff like that.

From: Rosie
To: S
Subject: MMMM

Edible Unique - Check out this website and their recipes!!! Eurgh, ant toffees!

When is R's birthday? Think I is gonna bake him a CRICKET CAKE

From: S
To: Rosie

"Oregano, to taste"!

I can't help but wonder how much oregano is required to drown the flavour of 1 CAN OF ANT LARVAE???!!!!

From: Rosie
To: S

I do not think there is enough Oregano IN THE WHOLE WORLD.

Edible Unique Shop – I am playing a game called ‘If I had to eat one thing off here . . ‘ It is not going so well. SCORPION? SURELY that is dangerous.

What is wrong with people? Hello. KitKats anyone. Dude.

Also, this is so work related. I was researching. Not, y’know, googling the WORST THINGS YOU COULD PUT IN YOUR MOUTH EVER

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