Friday, 11 July 2008

My Saturday

From: Michael
To: Rosie; Alejandro; Charlotte; M; Andy; Lorenzo
Subject: Bbq!

Hello everyone
Hope you've been enjoying your first week on the outside M and that the jail-birds left inside aren't missing you too much.

Just wanted to let you know that we still plan to BBQ tomorrow (don't think rain is forecast, just cloud). Come anytime from 5.30.

See you then!

From: Charlotte

Hi all

Will be great to see you then - sorry I lamed out last week. I was so looking forward to it, but started on the old alcohol a little too early that afternoon. By 9pm ish, it wasn't pretty. You've seen it before...

Yay for bbq!


From: Rosie

Hey Kids,

All good for Saturday. Fingers crossed for sun. Or just not rain anyway because M could melt if it touches her.
Charlotte! Animal!

Mike - Do you want us to bring anything? Aside from the hotness?

Ro x

From: Michael

Additional hotness is always brilliant but if you could also bring some booze that would be much appreciated!

From: Rosie

Ok, will tell Andy and M not to bother coming in their hotpants and just to bring beer instead.

From: Andy

Great so now I wasted my money on a perfectly good pair of spandex hotpants.....

From: Michael

Well if you've already bought them Andy...

From: Rosie

Andy - don't pretend you bought hotpants especially. Everyone knows they are standard dress in Essex.

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