Wednesday, 2 July 2008


"Girl's court fight to wear Sikh bangle"

A teenager is taking her school to court for not letting her wear a 'Kara' - a steel bracelet and symbol of her faith. The Kara is one of the five K's of Sikhism - the others being the Kesh (uncut hair), the Kanga (wooden shorts) and the Kirpan (sword). This article about it is pretty rubbish as that is only four K's but whatever.

My point is, she is not wearing wooden shorts in the picture of her wearing her school uniform. So. Picking and choosing there which K's she is following. I would say, wear the wooden shorts to school and you can wear the bracelet. Lets not mention the sword since loads of school kids would be turning to Sikhism if that were allowed to be carried into school.

Always these court battles, TO ME, seem to boil down to some teenager wanting to wear jewellery to school.

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