Me: In my first tenants meeting we were told about the redecoration of the reception. It had already been painted blue but they mentioned these metal wall art things. ANYWAY. HEEEEEE-LARIOUSSSSSSSS.They are being put up right now and OMFG there are CATTLE GRIDS on the walls!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Sorry. This is SO not funny as it was not what was described to us but AH AHAHAHAHA HA HAH !!! HEAVY ARSE CATTLE GRIDS!!!! And they are seriously WELDING these mo fo's to the wall. OOOOOOOO I am waiting for the emails to start . . . I reckon this is why SH arranged to go on holiday now. These things are controversial.
Sadie: Laughing! Your reception area is just ripe for and tension and dissension.
Jess: Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I reckon you're gonna have some mega fall out from those there cattle grids!!!!
Me: Seriouslyyyy though. MAN. WHAT are they DOING???? HA HA HA HA !!! I can't stop going out and looking at them. HA HA AHAHAHA HA.
J:Laughing!!! Can you take a piccy?
Me: Going to try but there is a heck load of men out there trying to cement them to the walls.
Jess: Laughing!!!!! We have some hideous tasteless water colour of the clinic one of the geriatric old consultants chose with his crappy old man who thinks he has taste. Taste? Looks like a painting by numbers effort!!!
Sadie: Watercolours are so last year. We have two lovely life size giraffe head and necks in bronze. But then we also have a piece of hideous 'Changing Rooms' perspex crap on the walls too.
Sophie: Watercolour sounds boring. Giraffes sound funky. We have huge framed photos of the properties the company owns along the south bank and some ancient leases, which are also huge, framed. They are on parchment with ink and those huge wax stamps that you see in period dramas.
Me: *emailed picture* Ok, A totally busted me. He thought I was taking photos of him. I was all, NO GROSS I AM TAKING PICTURES OF THE WALL ART. He said that the tenant, N, who is the ring leader of the group, has not seen them yet. Would explain the ominous silence. Also, blue? Dark blue? Aqua? You can now decide!!!
J: EEYUW!!! They is quite gross!!!! Dude, that N is gonna blow a gasket!!!! Sadie's sounds lovely! Only this place shi* oh, now Ro's too.
Sophie: Looks like you are photographing that dude's bum. They look like sheets of steel.
Sadie: Oh God! That's so seventies dark brown dark blue depressive dullity. As a company statement its less come in we're here to help and more, come in and we're here to help you open your veins.
J: Laughing!!!
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