Jess: How is your dog sitting going?
Me: All good with dog sitting. Took him for a lovely long walk on Sunday. Left the house thinking I was all that in the sun with my sunglasses on etc and fell over. SPLAT.
Toby cooked me a delicious meatball and spaghetti dinner last night and we watched some films. That was lovely.
Took Monty for a walk this morning at early o thirty. Again with me being all howwwwwwwwwww virtuous. And then it poured down. Awesome. Got home and had a shower then got back into bed. That was a very bad idea as mum and dad have the best bed in the whole world. Fell asleep until about half 8. LOVELY. First time I have not fallen asleep on the train.Tried to sneak in at 9.20 this morning but R crept up behind me and was all HA HA I SEE YOU.
J: Laughed at you and all that!!! Sounds like you doing a good job with Monty, I'm well impressed with Toby cooking, and you walking dog at crack of dawn!! Funny! But how quickly Clyde is forgotten.
Me: I tell you something, not being woken up from 4am by that stupid cat is lovely. Monty is pretty funny though. We came up to bed last night and I was all, get in bed, done. Monty circled his mat a few times then lay down, adjusted his position, scrabbled around, belched, sighed, farted, sighed, scrabbled around... I was all, MONTY ARE YOU QUIIIIITE FINISHED?
J: Laughing!!!! Really laughing!!!!! Sophie sent me a video of Clyde killing a plastic bag at 5am in the morning, laughed so much!!! Really laughing at that stupid cat!!
Me: Some mornings you come out of your room and it looks like you have been burgled.
Sophie: He tried to start this morning but I tucked my hands in. Then he went and bit Matt's arm a few times whilst Matt was sleeping. Really funny. Nothing funnier than watching someone asleep being slowly tortured.
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