So. Last night I went home to take some stuff back as had been dog sitting and house sitting for my parents.. Matt had gone to a concert so I stayed with Sophie a bit and we took Clyde out etc. Anyway, get home at 10. Both boys have gone out. Walk into a dark house. No worries. Hiya Mont! Want to go in the garden? OK! La La La . . . OMG THOSE DIPSHITS LEFT THE BACK DOOR UNLOCKED. Had to search a dark house because otherwise I wouldn't be able to relax. Check downstairs. . . all good. Go upstairs and check all the bedrooms. Both boys windows still WIDE OPEN (Insurance company: So, Mam, any ideas how they got in?) and the curtains were billowing. Except that TOTALLY looks like a person standing behind them. AWESOME. I even looked under the beds. Finally I was like. Ok. It's all good. And went and watched tv in the lounge until 11. Go up to bed. Turn all the lights out and have my lamps on. Think I'll read Cosmo for a bit. Pick it up off the floor. Saw the cover of it AND JUMPED OUT OF MY FREAKING SKIN
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