Kitteh thinks he is all that and a box of Whiskers
Whereas I? Am not -
Me: HOTTT engineer type guy just came in to office and asked me to print something off his memory stick. He asked me how me week had been . . . I spoke ABSOLUTE gibberish to him. I think I swallowed my tongue. Awesome.
Jess: Oh dude sooooo laughing!!!!!!
Sadie: Laughing! Oh how nice though to have a hottie in the office.
Me: At one point I said: "Um this is a Mac so I don't know where the thing is for your thing. Um, you know, the hole for your stick." So, actually? I'm dead now.
Jess: Oh fuc*******ing creasing up in here.....them all staring at me!
Me: After I said all that rubbish: *swallow* *clear throat* right. so. The IT department is that way.
Jess: Laughing!!! Bit of a windalicker moment!
Me: Yeah. I laughed too. OH WAIT. No. I didn't. I died of SHAAAAAAME. Although thinking about what I said it is quite funny now. In an unbelievable kind of way. S just came over and said:
Why are you so happy this morning? OH WAIT. Let me guess. It begins with P and ends with aul.
Me:Is that hotty mchots name then?
S: HAHA. Jeez. You haven't even asked his name?
Me: No. I just like looking at him. I haven't got round to the coherent sentences yet.
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