Me, as Clyde: Yes
Matt: You are really really sad.
From: Matt
To: Rosie
Hello Rosie,
If you pass HMV can you please get me the new issue of Metal Hammer? The new issue has a cover made of steel, so should be easy to find.
From: Rosie
To: Matt
Ok. What is it? A compilation or something?
From: Matt
To: Rosie
I don't even know if you are joking but it is a magazine. This link will show what the cover looks like to help you on your quest.
Lianne came over last night. She bought her own cider, straws and ice with her. She is a dedicated drinker. She reminded me of this time at uni when we went to a house party and got really drunk and I flashed everyone. "And you were wearing a BIG WHITE BRA." I am glad I don't remember this.
As I left this morning I noticed Clyde amassing slugs on the doorstep. Luckily I am going out this evening so Sophie and Matt can face hallway slug slaughter scene 2.
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