Corinne stayed over. Haven't seen her for AGES and I forgot how funny she is. We were lying in bed laughing about something when she farted.
Cor: Stop making me laugh. You KNOW it makes me fart.
Me: Oh. Right. Blame me. HA. Do you remember that time you farted on Chris and he went nuts at you?
Cor: Which time?
Me: You mean, there was more than once?
Cor: Well the thing is, Chris farts on me ALL THE TIME so once I decided to get my own back. But unfortunately the fart I did was not as unrepulsive as his. In fact, it was disgusting. It absolutely stank. Like, steps away from diarrhea without actually following through.
Cor: What was more unfortunate was that I did it on his head.
Me: .......................
Cor: HAHA. God. It was bad. And the other time was when we were at T and C's house and I was leaning on Chris and farted and he went NUTS. I was trying to lie because, y'know, it's C and she doesn't like stuff like that. But he kept yelling: "OH MY GOD YOU FARTED ON ME AND DON'T LIE BECAUSE I FELT THE VIBRATIONS." And I had to keep denying it. When I confessed to T that I felt embarrassed in front of C he said not to worry. That nothing amuses C more than rolling on top of him, farting and rolling away laughing.
Me: HAHAHA. That is GROSS. You guys are GROSS.
Cor: WHATEVER. I remember the first time I farted in front of Shaun. It was at my 21st birthday party and we were sitting on the sofa. Which he felt vibrate. And he looked at me all askance and was all, did you just fart!!!?????? And then he mentioned it in the pub in front of Charlie and Charlie HATES women who fart and he was all, you don't fart do you Corinne? And I was all, noooooo. And Shaun and Chris's heads nearly fell off.
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