Me: Matt! Take a picture of me and Clyde! I look just like Sarah Jessica Parker sitting here typing away on the laptop with the cat sleeping next to me.
Matt: SJP doesn't have a cat. And, I know this may sound like a weird compliment but, you don't have a horse face.
Me: But other than that, IDENTICAL right?
Budget living . . .
Me: Brand Tumeric = £1.18. Tesco version = 68p. HA
Sophie: You go there
Me: I am
Me: Can you hear Clyde squeaking?
Me: Can you hear him squeaking now?
Me: Listen... Clyde makes this funny squeaking sound when he is asleep and you wake him up . . .
Sophie and Matt: Can't hear anything . . .
Sophie: *sitting on the sofa - accidentally sitting on Clyde*
Overheard: "I'm not gay! I'm FLAMBOYANT!"
Overheard, some hippy talking to another: "I'm thinking of changing my first name to rain and my second to bow, what do you think?"
Lulu and me: snort
Lulu: I am going to change my name to buttock.
Me: HAHA. Yeh. Funny. People would be all, what's up butty?
Lulu: And I'd be all, it's BUTTOCK
Me: It's pronounced boo-tock ACTUALLY
Lulu: HAHA, yeh. It's FRENCH. You're pronouncing it wrong. Jeez.
Me: Whatever BUTTOCK.
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