Iz lucky I cute when I sleep since Lord knows I do not like anyone else to enjoy it
Differing music tastes . . .
Matt: >>>>>You have been sent an iTunes Voucher for £15 from Rosie!<<<<<<<<<
Matt: Nice one blud!
Me: Now you can download all those Meatloaf songs you wanted! Although do remember the 'Best of' album IS on the shelf at home.
Matt: I was listening to the Best of Meatloaf the other day and all I got was complete silence, it's almost like he has no good songs!
Me: Maybe it is because your ears are up the creek after listening to all those screaming 'songs.'
Last night I cleaned the house. It only started with changing my bed sheets which I like to do on a Thursday because then it is all lovely for the weekend. But then I was like, God, better vacuum my floor too because otherwise I'll keep putting all this CLYDE dirt in my bed. Then because I thought that I was going to vacuum, thought I'd polish my room too. Only 2 surfaces so whatev. Then thought might as well do the lounge whilst the can is in my hand. Then I bleached the kitchen, which is probably the cleanest kitchen ever as it is always getting bleached. But that is good since Clyde wanders all surfaces gaily wiping his litter tray feet everywhere.
Anyway. Cleaned it all and hoovered it all. Sophie and Matt were in bed and had shut their bedroom door at one point. Mine was also shut because I was like, for one night I will not have the hairy bed and his feet on my pillows. So I went and had a lovely bath. Get out the bath and Clyde was basically sitting in the hallway looking at the closed doors with his arms folded. He looked at me. Walked over to his litter tray and tipped approximately the whole thing over the floor. Then he looked at me again and marched into the lounge.
Try telling me THAT wasn't deliberate.
So I got my pajamas on and went and found him on the lounge window ledge. Wouldn't look at me. Picked him up and brought him to bed. He was all YES THANK YOU AND IF YOU HAD DONE THIS EARLIER WE WOULD NOT HAVE NEEDED THE LITTER TRAY INCIDENT. And then he wiped his feet on my pillow and fell asleep. Until 5 this morning.
oh my god dude I fell asleep just after 9 last night. The last thing I remember thinking is i'll just close my eyes and wait for you to get out the bath before I clean my teeth. Then it was this morning.
Clyde was not happy about that
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