Jess: What have you got for tea tonight?
Me: No idea about dinner . . Toby won't be awake yet for me to ask either.
Walked Monty this morning even though I had to force myself out of my lovely bed of warmth. And EVEN THOUGH Monty is a very disturbing room companion. He came to bed around 1 (I KNOW! PARTY DOG) and woke me up and the started snuffling and sighing and scratching and snuffling until I went 'MONTY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP.'
Also, both boys are being very good but some things are WELL irritating and as an experiment I would like to see how long they went on for but because it is too gross and irritating I can't. For example, neither of them put on a new toilet roll. And they do not put the finished roll in the recycling so there was 3 by the toilet last night. The hand soap ran out so instead of putting the empty on the bin, they get a new one out and leave the old one there. Their clean washing is in the bathroom cupboard. Assume it will stay there until it is put back in their rooms. Jeans over the bannister, dried. The bathmat is soaking but neither will pick it up. Jamie drinks coffee and ma and pa have a fancy new thing that uses actual coffee. The used coffee is dumped in a pot on the side and then taken to the compost. It is overflowing. Jamie says he is not taking it to the compost until it is totally full as it is a waste of his energy to walk to the compost pile. Now, this is logic I can get behind when you are busy BUT, this is the conversation I had with Jamie last night (whilst eating mashed potato and sausages):
Jamie: How was your day?
Me: Alriiiight. Just normal. Work. Yours?
J: Alright. Got up around 11. Then it takes me a couple of hours to get going, ya know? Like, before I can even have a shower. So I read for a bit with a coffee. Then I had a shower got dressed and I have to relax after that, thats when I like to read the paper with another coffee. Then I made me and Bob a full English and PHWOAR did I need a break after that. I don't know how people carry on their day after a big lunch. Then I watched the Olympics and then . . well . . .you came home.
Me: That was seriously fascinating. No, seriously.
Also, I was freezing my ass of last night. Both the boys were in the lounge watching tv. Like, 11pm and I was reading in bed. So I'm all, it isn't normal to be shivering, that backdoor better not be open or something. Go out on the landing and notice Jamie's window is open. Seriously wide open. Gale blowing through all his music papers. So go and shut that. Go to shut Lulus door and feel wind over my feet from Tobys room. Go into HIS room and shut HIS wide open window. Am all, that should help. Shut their doors. Go have a wee BATHROOM window WIDE OPEN. The house was colder than sleeping naked in a field, swear to God.
Jess:Laughing! Seriously boys are just so typically lazy. Imagine if there was no Lucy to deal with them.... I mean, Monty is a dog so he's excused for HIS behaviour!! And thank GOD you have a dishwasher!!! Still if it means you get a lovely supper like you have been doing then I'd just suck it up!! Loved your rant though, very amusing!!!!
Sadie: Laughing big time. Those boys are useless lumps. Surely no woman dudette is ever gonna find them attractive!
J: Dude, you never saw the dinner he made last night!!! I did and it looked lovely!
Me: I don't think it is laziness. More, not noticing or THINKING. Like, I come home, empty the washing up bowl of slimy cold water. Put the scarily brown dishcloth on the stairs and wipe all the surfaces with a new one. Fill the dishwasher with all the cups, glasses and knives thrown in the sink. Pick up the washing from the floor of the bathroom cupboard and put it in the machine. Pick up the SOPPING wet bath towel. Put their clean washing in their rooms (me: OK, WHOSE are the white stripy boxers? Ok, WHOSE are the . . .) etc.
BUT I tell you something GOOD. Was about to leave the office last night and was like, better find my Oyster card before I have to root around in my rammed bag at the station for it. Can't find it in my bag. Can't find it in my pockets. Not on my desk. I was all GODDDDDDDDD. Had £30 on it. ARGH. Bummed man. Then I get to work today and it is on my desk. On it. I checked all around my desk last night because my trousers are quite baggy and I thought it might have fallen out the pocket. Not there. I asked the guys here if they had seen it. Nope. Asked A if it had been handed in. Nope. So . . .WHAT???? SPOOOOOKY. But awesome. I was going to moan to you last night when I was texting you but thought you would be all HA HA THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SENDING ME A PICTURE OF YOU WITH A SAUSAGE IN YOUR MOUTH!!!
J: Laughing!!! I wouldn't laugh at you losing your Oyster card! Dude, that ain't funny!!! Jolly glad you found it!!! So when you're there you have boys to sort and when you are at home you have Clyde to sort. I'm not sure what's worse. But on balance, Clyde?
Me: Clyde is worse because you can't shout at him as he is cute but it gets to the point where you think, seriously, if I have to get the vacuum cleaner out again . .
J: Laughing!!!!! That's funny cos it's true.....
Me. I mean, I did gag a bit this morning when I lifted the toilet seat up but at least I dont have to walk in it CLYDE
Me: Tell ME about it. I had to take a violation shower
Sadie: Laughing!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
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