Thursday 5 January 2012

encouragement and development

Today is my last day off work for the Christmas period. Tomorrow I have to go back. Grim to the eXtreme. I spent my final day off with my family. Well, the majority of the day was spent going over my mothers childminding information before her Ofsted inspection. If I hear the words encouragement and development again I may scream. Luckily there was champagne and spaghetti bolognaise on hand to balance it out. And Leo love chunks.

Me: I am clearly the clever one of the family since all I seem to do is check and do other peoples homework.

Lulu: I think that makes you the stoooopid one of the family.

Today was actually also the first day since Christmas that my whole family were in a room together again drinking. Jamie lives in Tooting now, Toby is often out… Was nice. Dad attempted to take a family photo with the timer. OMG they were grim. Obviously the angle and the lighting was what made me look 20 stone and wearing beige tights instead of black leggings.

Jamie: In my freezer I have 2 Martini glasses, some Vermouth, some Gin and some ice. I have become addicted to martinis to the point that Jonty tried to put a chicken in the freezer the other day and I was well cross.

Me: Does he like a martini too? Is that why you have the spare glass?

Jamie: No, that one is in case I have a guest.

Mum: Sure, it is so that he can switch glasses between drinks to ice them up!

I told my dad that I had got a tattoo.

Dad: Why would you do something like that?

Me: Er.. I just fancied it. You can’t see it.

Dad: Yeh, so why get it?

Me: Er.. Dunno.

I still love my tattoo though and am ready for mah bleeve!

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