Wednesday 10 October 2007

making friends and influencing people

I love how specific his response is regarding the weather...

From: Rosie
To: Thomas

Thanks for all your help in this and I hope the weather is not as terrible there as it is here.

From: Thomas
To: Rosie

We have a splendid autumn day. A little crispy at night and fog around dusk and dawn but otherwise 17 degrees and sunshine.
Best regards

From: Rosie
To: Thomas



Then I came into work today and received this:

From: Thomas
To: Rosie

Are you still jealous? Or have things improved at your end? The International book fair started so you might want to the chance and jump in a train. I might offer you a cappuccino to give you a warm welcome.
Best regards

I only started emailing this guy yesterday. His emails make me happy.

Davis: Why are you smiling?
Me:No reason
Davis: You are flirting with that German guy again aren't you? Jeez.

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