Thursday 26 June 2008

like the wind

The property manager just came in with some guy to check our fire exit. Somehow none of us noticed that our fire door was swinging in the wind. Then they left and S came RUNNING down the corrider to ask who they were because he wanted to complain about the air con. I was like IF you had read the minutes of the tenants meeting I sent round you would know that I already complained about this a bajillion times AND, after the meeting, got SH ( the property manager) to come stand in E's office and see how cold it is.

S was all, yeah but the tenants meeting is fricking boring so, when you say 'Did I read the minutes of it?' I would have to say, no.

Anyway. We were chatting then he was all, ok, I cant talk anymore because I made myself a latte and it's getting cold.

Me - Just run back down the corrider as fast as you did to get here. Sorted

S: Yep, I think that is going to be my mode of transport from now on. Running. Don't do enough running.

Me: Please do, that'd be so hilarious if you just suddenly SPRINTED to the kitchen from your desk

S - Yeah, short journeys would be funniest

Me - I would love R or H to ask what you were doing and me to be all 'sssh don't question it' - just holding your latte out carefully and sprinting back to your desk and sitting down and getting back to work all casual like

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