Tuesday 1 July 2008


I just read THE FUNNIEST article in the Metro. It is in the Metrosexual section and is called 'Unleash your inner beast' by Lisa Scott. It is about these people who believe they are an animal inside a human body. They call themselves 'Furries.' There is a picture of people with those massive animal heads on. But then there is a guy who has made up his face instead and the quote says 'Marcony expresses his felinity with sophisticated makeup.' I tell you something. I spot him walking down the street and sophisticated ain't gonna be the first word I is gonna be thinking.

The lingo:

Yiff = Sex
Yiffing = Mating
Yiffy = Horny or sexual (mmmm I'm feelinggggg sexual) (ha ha ha ha ha)
Fur Pile = A group of furries lying on top of each other, trying to get comfortable (what? that is a long description. Maybe they would be more comfortable if they took those massive hot heads off).
Furvert = Anyone who is sexually attracted to mascots or someone in a fur suit
FurryMUCK = A chatroom KINGDOM where users pretend they're polar bears and red-tailed hawks (specific).

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