Sunday 31 August 2008


Me: Toby just texted to ask how to make mashed potato. Hopefully he is planning dinner and not his own lunch :)

Jess: Oh that sounds promising.......... but.......he's asking how to make mash? is there more than one way?

Me: I don't think he has ever made it before. It is like boiling an egg. I always forget how to do that because I do it so rarely. It's like, 5 minutes? Sounds riiiight. Anyway, told him to boil the potatoes and mash them. He said, mash them in what? HAHA. Um, the bath? HAHA. But I am not telling him that that is a funny question because he has told me to pick up some gravy on my way home . . . Now wondering what a suitable time to bust outta this joint would be... 4 seems a leeetle too early . . . BUT IS IT?

J: Oh dude!!!! That sounds bloody promising!!!!!! Is Jamie not around?

Me: Yep. Jamie made Toby a full English for lunch so all good at the ranch. Once, when I was sad about something, Toby made me egg on toast and turned the eggs into eyes and added tomato sauce smiles. Sweetness!

J: Oh what a sweetheart!!! That's well cute!!

Sadie: BLESS!!!!!!

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